Melkam Fetene Chanie, now a third-year civil engineering student at Adigrat University, was a beggar who was living with her mother on the streets of Addis when she started to get direct support from Abune Zena Children and Elderly Support Association.
While with Abune Zena Markos Children and Youth Support Association, she has been getting monthly food allowance and sanitation materials. She was also getting tutorial services, medical services, school uniforms, and educational materials. In addition to the material support, she was getting psychological support and counseling.
Number of Children
She has two children who are getting direct support from Biruh Tesfa project, a project by the association to support school age children named Tizita Azmera Jeliela and Ayenachew Yalew Molla.
Previous Job
Begging and Daily Labourer
AZEMA’s Support Time
18/7/2006 - present
AZEMA’s Support Type
Children Support: monthly food allowance, sanitation materials, tutorial services, medical services, school uniforms and education materials
Income Generating Activities Support: Trainings, seed money to start up their own business and follow up.
Current Job
Now, Belgnesh is an owner of a small retail shop.
Current Status
Able to support her children and family. She also contributes 150 ETB per month to support AZEMA’s activities
Melkam's mother, Beyenech Belay Kebede, started to participate in income-generating activities after getting training courses and seed money to start her own small-scale business.
Now, the mother is able to support herself and her children. In addition, she is able to support the association’s activity by contributing ETB 150 per month, to “payback,” in her own words, what the association has given to her so that others also benefit from the activities of the association.
Number of Children
Serkalem has four children, two of whom are getting direct support from the association named Gelila Zelalem Mengistu
and Tsigereda Zelalem Mengistu
Previous Job
Begging and lived on the street
AZEMA’s Support Time
18/7/2006 E.C. - present
AZEMA’s Support Type
Children Support: Monthly food allowance, sanitation materials, tutorial services, medical services, school uniforms and education materials
Income Generating Activities Support: Trainings, seed money to start up her own business and follow up
Current Job
Engaged in different activities to support her children and family. She has a small retail shop.
Current Status
Able to support her children and family. She also contributes 150 ETB per month to support AZEMA’s activities